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caveman_lee's Photo Galleries at pbase.com
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Thanks for visiting my web gallery. These galleries gathered photos I took using DC and DSLR since 2003. Nothing special, just some snapshots for fun and sharing. Please feel free to let me know your view and comments on the photos. Cheers.

free counters
Flagcounter commenced since 23 April 2009

Note : If you are the person captured in the photos and would not like your photos to be displayed in my gallery. Please kindly notify me using the private message in the guestbook or comment tool. I shall remove the concerned photo right away. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
假如你是相片中的人,而不希望你的相片在本相廊中出現,煩請在”Guestbook”或”comment”內給本人留言(private message)。我會盡快把有關相片刪去。不便之處,敬請原諒。
My 10 Vote +
:: My 10 Vote + ::
Snapshots of Hong Kong 香江隨影
:: Snapshots of Hong Kong 香江隨影 ::
Hong Kong Panorama
:: Hong Kong Panorama ::
Christmas in Hong Kong
:: Christmas in Hong Kong ::
Clouds & Weather 賞雲影雲
:: Clouds & Weather 賞雲影雲 ::
High Dynamic Range Images
:: High Dynamic Range Images ::
My Travel Log
:: My Travel Log ::
Portraits (mostly 200F2.8L and 135F2L)
:: Portraits (mostly 200F2.8L and 135F2L) ::
Events and Functions in Hong Kong
:: Events and Functions in Hong Kong ::
Concerts in Hong Kong
:: Concerts in Hong Kong ::
Flowers and Plants
:: Flowers and Plants ::
Trial & Error
:: Trial & Error ::
:: Miscellaneous ::
Jonathan's Gallery
:: Jonathan's Gallery ::
My Food Court
:: My Food Court ::
My little planet
:: My little planet ::
Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races  2011
:: Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2011 ::
Copycat Ads
:: Copycat Ads ::