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Giacomo Boselli 18-Nov-2010 16:25
Domenica scorsa ho visto un tuo servizio su Haiti, mandato in onda dalla Gabanelli nella trasmissione Report. Sono un volontario della AMURT (www.amurt.it) - che come forse saprai è presente da molto tempo ad Haiti - e vorrei innanzitutto poterti mandare il nostro libro su Haiti che siamo riusciti a realizzare recentemente, dopo quindici giorni trascorsi lì quest'estate e grazie all'aiuto di alcuni sponsor che hanno finanziato tutta l'operazione. Anche noi, come te, operiamo direttamente grazie alla presenza in loco di nostri volontari di tutto il mondo e quindi i nostri interventi seppure di non grande entità sono i più efficaci per la loro tempestività e semplicità procedurali. Chissà che non possa crearsi con te una collaborazione o mettere in piedi delle sinergie efficaci. Dimenticavo di spiegarti che tutto il ricavato dalla vendita del libro andrà a finanziare uno dei nostri progetti ad Haiti. Spero di avere presto un tuo riscontro e nell'attesa mi congratulo per le tue belle iniziative.

Giacomo Boselli
gatti claudio 18-Oct-2010 21:14
un saluto anche se non ti conosco io però non sono famoso ciao
gatti claudio
Baixinho 16-Sep-2010 20:29
Poderia ter uma foto do ALCATRAZ entre essas belíssimas fotos.

é nois mano
Guest 19-Jun-2007 18:09
You've reignited my passion for art. Ty!
Guest 08-Mar-2007 06:55
You're a true artist.
Guest 08-Sep-2006 20:29
Hi Claudio,

You have some great pictures here.
Thanks for sharing.

Howard Sandler18-Aug-2006 13:47
Welcome back. Great to see you posting again.
Stephanie 21-Jul-2006 22:08
This is very interesting site...
kicdl@yahoo.com 04-Jun-2006 12:10
Sehr nützlich, informativ und anschaulich!
Alida Thorpe05-May-2006 16:57
Claudio, I truly enjoyed looking through your galleries. Your photos are excellent and it is wonderful to see interesting photos. Alida
Therese 12-Apr-2006 20:35
Beautiful pictures of Algonquin. I too love the moss and the vivid greens of the park.
Rita (Virginillo) Pape 17-Feb-2006 17:46
Since my husband died, I have found much of my healing while in Italia.... and with a name like Virginillo, I think I really belong there. You have brought me joy today.
I especially enjoyed the gnocchi scenes. Your passion for life is evident in your work -- grazie, Claudio.

ciao da "Rituccia"
Henry Odogwu 29-Oct-2005 21:00
I came across this quite by accident and looked in wonderment of the amazing beauty of our planet captured by exquisite photography.
Canada is on our holiday plans...

Henry O., London England
Guest 20-Aug-2005 22:52
Hi Claudio,
wonderful galleries, you have some awesome work here!
Best regards,
Guest 29-Jun-2005 15:07

nice homepage you've got!
keep up the good work

John Beck07-Jun-2005 21:16
I enjoy your galleries and expect to be back off and on in the future. It's always nice to find someone who has an eye for the 'real' 4 seasons. BTW, I think the color of your snow is ok.
Guest 04-Jun-2005 04:01
I enjoyed viewing your galleries. You are very talented!
Guest 03-May-2005 02:09

John Down Under brought to my attention your picture of the “square bubbles” taken at the Toronto Airport last year and which won an important contest. Great picture! At about the same time as you last year, I took pictures of that same water tank with moving cubes with a beginner’s digital camera (seehttp://www.pbase.com/eb2005/christine_newman). I went back in March this year to see if I could take more pictures with a better camera, but I was disappointed because the coloured cubes are in a sad shape, deformed. It is the first time I see someone else’s pictures of that ‘construction’. You looked for ‘chaos’, I looked more for the quiet moment, when the squares slowly fall down the tank as the water bubbles stop. I’m glad I discovered your gallery, it is pretty impressive!

Thomas04-Mar-2005 11:07
Very nice galleries.
filippo 25-Jan-2005 11:36
Ciao Claudio,

ho trovato questo bellissimo sito per caso e per caso,sono arrivato alle immagini di Piacenza.
Sono di Piacenza ed anch'io vivo fuori da parecchi anni,sono in Spagna.
Solo dirti: le foto mi hanno aperto il cuore in due...bellissime.
Guest 12-Nov-2004 03:38
Yes, I was at the same workshop as Phil. John, who let me tag along, and Dave have been friends for some time and they have done workshops together before. I'm a newcomer to photography and felt like a child with a toy camera among all the talent at the workshop. Everyone was very helpful and patient... It was a great experience in every way.

I really enjoyed the visit to your gallery today...I'll be back
Guest 11-Nov-2004 06:01
I really enjoyed your galleries, particularly "Indian Summer". You have a wonderful "eye".
Naturephoto Monique09-Nov-2004 21:14
Wonderful galleries, good use of colors and a good eye.

Best, Monique
Guest 02-Jun-2004 04:34
Hola Claudio: Me encantó tu galería. ¿De donde eres?
Hi Claudio: I´d really love your gallery. We´re you from?

Lisa 20-Apr-2004 23:49
Excellent reference guide! More questions answered here than anywhere else! My applause!
i Gatti 11-Apr-2004 12:39
Visite pasquali. Papà e Mamma, (e anche Sara, Marta, Enrica e Simone).
Phil Douglis27-Feb-2004 22:37
Claudio, I was reading your posts in dpreview's Minolta Forum, and followed the link to your galleries. I enjoy your eye, your whimsical sense of humor, and your grasp of human values in photography. I also wanted to see how your A1 performed, because the A2 is on my list of candidates when I upgrade to 8MP. It does beautifully -- but as I tell my students, camera's don't make pictures, photographers do. And you have made some remarkable images here.
Phil Douglis, The Douglis Visual Workshops, Phoenix, Arizona